Sissela Nutley Familj

Sissela Nutley Familj

Sissela Nutley Familj |Sissela jobbar parallellt som manusforfattare och kompositor. Arts & Hearts forestallning “Det syns inte”, som Sissela och Ulrika Larsson skrivit manus for, turnérade I Sverige fram till pandemins intåg.

Projektet drivs med stod från Allmanna Arvsfonden och Folkhalsomyndigheten för att lyfta ungas mentala mående I en alltmer digitaliserad samtid. Det syns inte har hittills spelat for mer a 25.000 personer.

Tillsammans med Ulrika Larsson och Johan Peiris ligger Sissela också bakom rockmusikalen “Life of Bellman” som spelades for over 40.000 personer på Ulriksdals slottspark under två somrar. Tillsammans med Larsson skrev hon också manus till “Modren” som Sissela aven skrev music för.

The answer is probably both of those. We notice an increasing frequency of symptoms, seeking care, and prescription medicines with regard to conditions such as depression; yet, we also see an improved knowledge and receptivity to the issues.

The milder symptoms, such as anxiety and depression, increase the most, but there is also an increase in the number of psychosomatic problems, such as headaches and stomach pain, which have not had the same stigma surrounding them.

Sissela Nutley Familj

This may indicate an increase in both the incidence and awareness of the condition. However, there has not been a rise in the number of more significant clinical diagnoses.

The simple fact is that an increasing number of young people are having a difficult time coping with their own feelings and thoughts, which in turn has a detrimental impact on their day-to-day life.

Sissela Nutley Familj

Sissela Nutley Familj