Världens Yngsta Mamma

Världens Yngsta Mamma |Lina Vanesa Medina, fodd 23 september 1933 I Paurange I Peru, utsattes – knappt fem år gammal – for barnvåldtakt. Våldtakten resulterade I att hon blev gravid. Hon ar den yngsta bekraftade modern I medicinhistorien. Då hon var 5 år, 7 månader och 21 dagar fodde hon en pojke.

Medinas foraldrar tog henne till sjukhus nar hon var 5 år på grund av hennes, vad man då trodde, onaturligt stora mage. Man trodde forst att hon hade en tumor, men lakaren doktor Gerardo kom fram till att hon var gravid I sjunde månaden. Dr. Gerardo tog henne till Lima for att kunna få bekraftelse från andra specialister på att Medina faktiskt var gravid.

En och en halv månad senare, den 14 maj 1939, foddes en pojke med kejsarsnitt (på grund av hennes lilla backen). Pojken fick namnet Gerardo, efter doktorn. Han vagde 2,7 kg vid fodseln. År 1972 gifte Medina sig och fick annu en son, 33 år efter den forste. Gerardo avled nar han var omkring 40 år på grund av en benmargssjukdom.

Lina Medinas son Gerardo trodde upp till tioårsåldern att Lina Medina var hans aldre syster.After some time had passed, the girl became a mother to a daughter who weighed exactly 2490 grams. The girl does not appear to have fully realized what has happened, and it is reported that she is refusing to milk the newborn baby. This information comes from the Daily Mail.

Världens Yngsta Mamma
Världens Yngsta Mamma

The Wayuu are an indigenous people that live in the northern areas of Colombia. They are famous for tattooing the faces of the tribe’s females and for marrying them off when they are still very young. The girl belongs to the Wayuu tribe.

Världens Yngsta Mamma
Lina Vanesa Medina var ett offer för barnvåldtäkt när hon bara var ett litet barn. Hon föddes den 23 september 1933 i Paurange, som ligger i Peru. Hon blev gravid som en direkt följd av våldtäkten som ägde rum. Hon har rekordet för att vara den yngsta kvinnan någonsin att få sin graviditet bekräftad. Det tog henne 5 år, 7 månader och 21 dagar att föda en pojke efter att hon varit gravid så länge.

According to the director of the hospital, Efra Pacheco Casadiego, who spoke with RCN La Radio, “We have seen this previously with the Wayuu tribe.This should not be expected. She shouldn’t be giving birth; she should be playing with dolls.

Viktora Lozeya, the mother of a young girl who is now 5 years old, noted very immediately after the birth of her daughter that she was developing sexual features at an abnormally fast rate. Lina reportedly got her first period when she was 8 months old, and her first pubic hair came when she was just 3 months old, as stated by her.

Breasts initially appeared on the young girl when she was 4 years old. The fact that the girl became pregnant at this precise time can be deduced from the results of a straightforward calculation if one is made.

When the local doctor Gerardo Lozada reached the conclusion that the girl was pregnant, he was unable to accept the evident facts and sent Lina to the doctor in the capital, who confirmed the diagnosis. In a report that was compiled on this case, it was stated that at the age of 5, the girl’s ovaries were like those of an adult woman, and an expansion of the pelvic bones was also noted.

All of Victoria’s observations were verified by medical professionals. In addition, the report stated that an expansion of the girl’s pelvic bones was noted. However, this did not help the mother give birth naturally, and the baby boy had to be delivered via cesarean section.

She was just five years old when she gave birth to a young boy via caesarean section. The baby boy’s name was Geraldo, and he weighed 2.7 kilograms at delivery. Even up to the age of ten, Geraldo believed that Lina was his older sister.

When Lina had her second kid in 1972, Geraldo immediately became an older brother, despite the fact that it had been only 33 years since his birth. Just seven years later, Geraldo died of a bone marrow illness, at the age of 40.

The very young age at which Lina Medina gave birth to her first child has been the subject of a great deal of interest and conjecture over the years; nevertheless, Lina Medina has not given any interviews or spoken about the matter.

It is, for obvious reasons, a very delicate matter and there were allegations that her own father had mistreated her and made her pregnant. In addition, he was detained for a period on suspicion of having committed rape, but he was eventually let go owing to a lack of proof because the techniques used to analyze DNA at that time did not exist.

There is a second opinion that suggests the gardener of the family may have been the child’s biological father and the perpetrator of the abuse. This theory is based on the fact that the gardener vanished without a trace once it was discovered that the child’s mother was expecting her own child.